ps: this is not a lie, this is not a joke * serious * and i mean it. and btw, tittle tu mengarut saje.
i got NO A's
done. you can go " serious?? " " tipu ar" " you're joking rite? " to yourself.
cause i am NOT, i repeat, NOT joking or Kidding YOU.
cause i am NOT, i repeat, NOT joking or Kidding YOU.
somehow putting the reason me being sick and all
sounds... unacceptable to me.
call me ungrateful, call me weirdo
but i THINK
i should have done the equal same effort as the rest of the SPM-ers
because we are all taking the same freaking test
so why should i use some lame excuse to cover up my HUGE down?
so what if i'm tired. everybody was tired that time.
so what if i was in a hospital.
so what if that all did happens.
just like jojot said,
" nobody knows "
at least the ones that close and dear to me knows.
what about the rest of the world?
fact : they didn't know.
this fact makes it clear that excuse, heh..
what am i babble-ing 0_0
regrets give you nothing.
nabila : " spm is just a ticket for you to go to U"
practically i'm clueless rite now.
but i'm very happy for the rest of the spm-er that got a's.
dude, you got an a!
be very grateful! 0_0
not to mention to the straight a's student.
man, reading daniel's blog made me really smile
i'm proud and happy for you dude! :D
the funny thing is, i started crying
because jojot said don't cry
gedik punya budak.
benci ar, lagi diri ni dipujuk oleh orang, lagi lah keluak aiyak mata nih
haha hah! kan dh keluar loghat kedah plak
but for the rest of the day
i had fun with queeny,gjie,lala,ana,zaki,ciken,kai,syib,sha etc
its great getting back and meeting with friends again
i really missed them so much
new fact! IRHAM dh balik from PLKN AND KURUS!! :D
and he tanned haha
oh and btw
about the ddr battle
probably i'm going to do it THIS SATURDAY
irham said he's ready WHEN YOU ARE READY
haha :D
ana is in as well
zaki said, maybe
queeny said she's going to win it anyway lol
gjie is still thinking 0_0
what ever it is,
the main question is
what about you? ;)
but seriously
i really am going to treat you guys
that is IF you win ;)
-zaki!! ana! what have you done to me! i'm addicted to GUITAR HERO NOW! crap :P
-FYI, i am not sad or depressed or anything. don't worry, no pressure ;)
-i want HUGS, like a big MASSIVE GROUP HUGS
yes i am VERY DESPERATE FOR IT, plssss haha
-i think i'm going to cry again,
but i don't want to
is that wrong?
-lesson learned, do not hold on to a swing with only ONE hand while standing on the SWING
or you WILL FALL
doi! mcm budak2 plak x tau 0_0
ps: " odds are you might get it, you might not get it, even if you didn't get it
it doesn't mean you lose everything."
somehow putting the reason me being sick and all
sounds... unacceptable to me.
call me ungrateful, call me weirdo
but i THINK
i should have done the equal same effort as the rest of the SPM-ers
because we are all taking the same freaking test
so why should i use some lame excuse to cover up my HUGE down?
so what if i'm tired. everybody was tired that time.
so what if i was in a hospital.
so what if that all did happens.
just like jojot said,
" nobody knows "
at least the ones that close and dear to me knows.
what about the rest of the world?
fact : they didn't know.
this fact makes it clear that excuse, heh..
what am i babble-ing 0_0
regrets give you nothing.
nabila : " spm is just a ticket for you to go to U"
practically i'm clueless rite now.
but i'm very happy for the rest of the spm-er that got a's.
dude, you got an a!
be very grateful! 0_0
not to mention to the straight a's student.
man, reading daniel's blog made me really smile
i'm proud and happy for you dude! :D
the funny thing is, i started crying
because jojot said don't cry
gedik punya budak.
benci ar, lagi diri ni dipujuk oleh orang, lagi lah keluak aiyak mata nih
haha hah! kan dh keluar loghat kedah plak
but for the rest of the day
i had fun with queeny,gjie,lala,ana,zaki,ciken,kai,syib,sha etc
its great getting back and meeting with friends again
i really missed them so much
new fact! IRHAM dh balik from PLKN AND KURUS!! :D
and he tanned haha
oh and btw
about the ddr battle
probably i'm going to do it THIS SATURDAY
irham said he's ready WHEN YOU ARE READY
haha :D
ana is in as well
zaki said, maybe
queeny said she's going to win it anyway lol
gjie is still thinking 0_0
what ever it is,
the main question is
what about you? ;)
but seriously
i really am going to treat you guys
that is IF you win ;)
-zaki!! ana! what have you done to me! i'm addicted to GUITAR HERO NOW! crap :P
-FYI, i am not sad or depressed or anything. don't worry, no pressure ;)
-i want HUGS, like a big MASSIVE GROUP HUGS
yes i am VERY DESPERATE FOR IT, plssss haha
-i think i'm going to cry again,
but i don't want to
is that wrong?
-lesson learned, do not hold on to a swing with only ONE hand while standing on the SWING
or you WILL FALL
doi! mcm budak2 plak x tau 0_0
ps: " odds are you might get it, you might not get it, even if you didn't get it
it doesn't mean you lose everything."
~the person who didn't get a single a
full stop
full stop
Labels: overall

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.