honestly, up until now i had no reason to be mad
i mean sure, my brother really forgets all about me having a class today
and he didn't pick me up and i had to wait till nite for dad who came all the way from bangi
sure, i get it. i'm used to this.
and sure, my mum is still pushing me and nagging at me more than ever, like everything i do is never RIGHT. sure.
and sure, gjie endup didn't came to the mall today. its ok, she was the one who promised. NOT ME
and of course tons of ppl promised me this and that but THEY CANCELLED it.
and sure, i might not get into any University until november
unless i accept my mum's forceful offer to take that damn a level or stpm
and her effing law course. heh
i'm not mad at UPU for this, hmph. * error, error, error je, sama mcm HIDUP AKU, penuh dgn error! pfft *
sure, i get that, but still, i have no reason to be mad.
these things are so normal typical life that i always had.
but NOW, you had make an OPENING.
an actual reason for me to actually BE MAD.
and HONESTLY, i am mad. i'm furious!
but heh..
well i'm not an angel, so you should understand.
but pffft why do i love you so much that i can not be mad at you?
i'm too kind? pfft no
MAYBE I'M just naive
great, straight from a clueless amnesiac teenager, and now i got a NAIVE title now? heh
thankyou daus for that song, its really awesome. i think i went all teary again because of that song. haha
btw, intro is kinda a bit emo. haha
yeah, i think tonite is like the most EMOTIONAL nite for me.
but no worries, i'm still happy.
cause why? i found great new songs that suits my feelings and piano sheets for the songs that i love. except for the fact that my printer is effing not working, pfft
from one positivity, comes out 5 more negativity, SENGAL
u know what, i really wanna cry rite now, like really2 cry, but i just can't. haha
i'm not holding back the tears, the tears just.. doesn't seems to come out. haha
FASYA, don't act like you're strong. PFFFTTT
i really need a hug :/
" I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone
I can't explain why it's not enough
Cause I gave it all to you "
i've walked this road for countable of times
and it had been for awhile since i walked down this road again,
but today, i found out that, this road can still bring.. emotional feeling to me..
my homework tonite from daddy;
no need to google it or yahoo it
i'll give it straight, too lazy to wait.
Hay fever is a misnomer,or the correct term is allergic rhintis.
lol you'll probably asking wth is this rhintis wacha thingy? pfft
RHINTIS; irration of nose
derive by rhino; NOSE
belajar bende baru? bagus :|
SYPTOMS; nasal congestions, runny nose, sneezing, nose and eye itching and excess production of tears. Nose bleeding may occur if severe. coughing and loss sense of smell. ' allergic conjuctivities ' as in inflammation of the whites of the eyes, in simple word; eye itching and redness. LOL
it can lead to sinutus and asthma and also loss of voice.
well thats enough about that.
hah KAU mr valcrist/jerel/akira
nk sgt scientific terms haha X)
well yeah, its not chemistry but hey still scientific :P
pfft i can hear you still debating your stand :P
anyway, why am i posting this? because its a warning for my family.
its just a caution for us to eat our vitamin daily to prepare for the worst,
since we're going for a trip this april. and since hay fever is popular this season, have to be extra careful.. haih -_-" medicine.. how i hate eating it :|
nk pegi vacation tpi sakit, xleh bla -_-"
but honestly, i don't think i have it in me to go for a vacation...haih -_-"
to nurul, kak huda, and who else that never gives up giving me these korean videos from last year, kak iqa -_-"
*pointing above*the only thing that makes me cry and dance right now
the translation for the song
-sometimes i wonder, if... i'm just not good enough... for anybody..
but then, when i think about it again, there's always that saying, be yourself.
if by being myself, is not good enough , and by giving all that i got is still not good enough..
then who should i be?
if nobody is perfect, why there are still ppl seeking perfection within others?
i mean sure, my brother really forgets all about me having a class today
and he didn't pick me up and i had to wait till nite for dad who came all the way from bangi
sure, i get it. i'm used to this.
and sure, my mum is still pushing me and nagging at me more than ever, like everything i do is never RIGHT. sure.
and sure, gjie endup didn't came to the mall today. its ok, she was the one who promised. NOT ME
and of course tons of ppl promised me this and that but THEY CANCELLED it.
and sure, i might not get into any University until november
unless i accept my mum's forceful offer to take that damn a level or stpm
and her effing law course. heh
i'm not mad at UPU for this, hmph. * error, error, error je, sama mcm HIDUP AKU, penuh dgn error! pfft *
sure, i get that, but still, i have no reason to be mad.
these things are so normal typical life that i always had.
but NOW, you had make an OPENING.
an actual reason for me to actually BE MAD.
and HONESTLY, i am mad. i'm furious!
but heh..
well i'm not an angel, so you should understand.
but pffft why do i love you so much that i can not be mad at you?
i'm too kind? pfft no
MAYBE I'M just naive
great, straight from a clueless amnesiac teenager, and now i got a NAIVE title now? heh
AT 8:30PM TILL 9:30 PM
LETS DO OUR PART IN EARTH HOURthankyou daus for that song, its really awesome. i think i went all teary again because of that song. haha
btw, intro is kinda a bit emo. haha
yeah, i think tonite is like the most EMOTIONAL nite for me.
but no worries, i'm still happy.
cause why? i found great new songs that suits my feelings and piano sheets for the songs that i love. except for the fact that my printer is effing not working, pfft
from one positivity, comes out 5 more negativity, SENGAL
u know what, i really wanna cry rite now, like really2 cry, but i just can't. haha
i'm not holding back the tears, the tears just.. doesn't seems to come out. haha
FASYA, don't act like you're strong. PFFFTTT
i really need a hug :/
" I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone
I can't explain why it's not enough
Cause I gave it all to you "
and it had been for awhile since i walked down this road again,
but today, i found out that, this road can still bring.. emotional feeling to me..
my homework tonite from daddy;
no need to google it or yahoo it
i'll give it straight, too lazy to wait.
Hay fever is a misnomer,or the correct term is allergic rhintis.
lol you'll probably asking wth is this rhintis wacha thingy? pfft
RHINTIS; irration of nose
derive by rhino; NOSE
belajar bende baru? bagus :|
SYPTOMS; nasal congestions, runny nose, sneezing, nose and eye itching and excess production of tears. Nose bleeding may occur if severe. coughing and loss sense of smell. ' allergic conjuctivities ' as in inflammation of the whites of the eyes, in simple word; eye itching and redness. LOL
it can lead to sinutus and asthma and also loss of voice.
well thats enough about that.
hah KAU mr valcrist/jerel/akira
nk sgt scientific terms haha X)
well yeah, its not chemistry but hey still scientific :P
pfft i can hear you still debating your stand :P
anyway, why am i posting this? because its a warning for my family.
its just a caution for us to eat our vitamin daily to prepare for the worst,
since we're going for a trip this april. and since hay fever is popular this season, have to be extra careful.. haih -_-" medicine.. how i hate eating it :|

but honestly, i don't think i have it in me to go for a vacation...haih -_-"
to nurul, kak huda, and who else that never gives up giving me these korean videos from last year, kak iqa -_-"
*pointing above*the only thing that makes me cry and dance right now
the translation for the song
(Love is pain)
Dedicated to my broken-heart'ed people
One's old a flame
Just scream my name
And I'm so sick of love song (song)
Yeah, I hate damn love song (song)
Momento of ours
The nights late and rain has just started to come down
I curse you back into my memories and now
No more options are left for me to go
I told myself I didn't need your bull and so
More hatred submerges my flow
So tightly my handgun chooses to blow
It's bull; no person has hurt me like you
And so forget about the hurtful past (Got cheated, ya)
No happiness can be found in within my heart
Got me crying softly in the rain
Got me hurting like a sharp pain
Yeah you got me, you bat me
Even then it wasn't enough for you to hurt me
You always hated me, You always wanted me
More or so you knew, I'll be right there
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
Even if you lied to me there's always forgiveness
I'm so sorry but I love you more than ever
Hand me your cruel and bloody heart
Now tear apart our memories
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
I'm so sorry (I'm sorry)
But I love you (I love you more, more)
I'm so sorry but I love you not like your lies
Tone down my empty broken heart
Now give me what I really want
Dedicate this song to you cause I know you feel there ain't no way (no way)
(No ones gonna know this song's meaning)
By myself, alone I'll be the one who knows this song's heart
Couldn't ever hold on more to gold and name
Holler over, get yourself cover
Found a letter, ain't made me feel better
Our breakup notice darkened my solace
So tell me what should I do to forget?
(More than ever, I cannot just let you go)
No, that's just cheating; since I'm clinging, you 'outta feel guilty
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
Even if you lied to me there's always forgiveness
I'm so sorry but I love you more than ever
Hand me your cruel and bloody heart
Now tear apart our memories
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
I'm so sorry (I'm sorry)
But I love you (I love you more, more)
I'm so sorry but I love you not like your lies
Tone down my empty broken heart
Now give me what I really want
You said we could make it
But it was just another lie you sold
I can't forget you, my baby
Even after all your those lies you're still a part of me yeah
I hope the scars that I gave you when we split will have healed
I'm am so sorry I didn't give you much more hey
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
Even if you lied to me there's always forgiveness
I'm so sorry but I love you more than ever
Hand me your cruel and bloody heart
Now tear apart our memories
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
I'm so sorry (I'm sorry)
But I love you (I love you more, more)
I'm so sorry but I love you not like your lies
Tone down my empty broken heart
Now give me what I really want
(Love is pain)
Dedicated to my broken-heart'ed people
One's old a flame
Just scream my name
And I'm so sick of love song (song)
Yeah, I hate damn love song (song)
Momento of ours
The nights late and rain has just started to come down
I curse you back into my memories and now
No more options are left for me to go
I told myself I didn't need your bull and so
More hatred submerges my flow
So tightly my handgun chooses to blow
It's bull; no person has hurt me like you
And so forget about the hurtful past (Got cheated, ya)
No happiness can be found in within my heart
Got me crying softly in the rain
Got me hurting like a sharp pain
Yeah you got me, you bat me
Even then it wasn't enough for you to hurt me
You always hated me, You always wanted me
More or so you knew, I'll be right there
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
Even if you lied to me there's always forgiveness
I'm so sorry but I love you more than ever
Hand me your cruel and bloody heart
Now tear apart our memories
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
I'm so sorry (I'm sorry)
But I love you (I love you more, more)
I'm so sorry but I love you not like your lies
Tone down my empty broken heart
Now give me what I really want
Dedicate this song to you cause I know you feel there ain't no way (no way)
(No ones gonna know this song's meaning)
By myself, alone I'll be the one who knows this song's heart
Couldn't ever hold on more to gold and name
Holler over, get yourself cover
Found a letter, ain't made me feel better
Our breakup notice darkened my solace
So tell me what should I do to forget?
(More than ever, I cannot just let you go)
No, that's just cheating; since I'm clinging, you 'outta feel guilty
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
Even if you lied to me there's always forgiveness
I'm so sorry but I love you more than ever
Hand me your cruel and bloody heart
Now tear apart our memories
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
I'm so sorry (I'm sorry)
But I love you (I love you more, more)
I'm so sorry but I love you not like your lies
Tone down my empty broken heart
Now give me what I really want
You said we could make it
But it was just another lie you sold
I can't forget you, my baby
Even after all your those lies you're still a part of me yeah
I hope the scars that I gave you when we split will have healed
I'm am so sorry I didn't give you much more hey
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
Even if you lied to me there's always forgiveness
I'm so sorry but I love you more than ever
Hand me your cruel and bloody heart
Now tear apart our memories
I'm so sorry but I love you like a damn fool
I'm so sorry (I'm sorry)
But I love you (I love you more, more)
I'm so sorry but I love you not like your lies
Tone down my empty broken heart
Now give me what I really want
-sometimes i wonder, if... i'm just not good enough... for anybody..
but then, when i think about it again, there's always that saying, be yourself.
if by being myself, is not good enough , and by giving all that i got is still not good enough..
then who should i be?
if nobody is perfect, why there are still ppl seeking perfection within others?

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.