i did said that we did two openhouse.
and let me just say,
i'm happy to meet my old friends who is WILLING and SPARED their time just to come to my openhouse.
and those who couldn't, there are some who sms-ed and said sorry.
yes, i'm talking to you.
heh, i've realised who you are.
i'm not gonna say anything anymore to upset myself even more.
all i know, sometimes, dreams are just dreams. and it stinks when you compare it to the silly reality.
ofcourse you remember, my at0k :)
and i did said that if he didn't come, i would be very dissapointed and sulk myself to korea. BAHAHA XD
thankyou for coming.
MIYO, i wish you'd come too. but come raya my house ok? :)
its still not too late :D
i was raya-ing at nik's house, when all of a sudden along called and said, "alang, kwn alang dah sampai."
i was dyingly sure that they were the ones who came early.
and i was right! :D
haha XD
pfft no words can describe la -_-"
i would choke her to death, but choking wouldnt satisfied my disappointment. LOL
and raping her isn't fun anymore. bahaha XD
oh yeah, nice one fasya :P
eventhough he didn't stay for long, HE DID CAME :)
unlike that PERSON.
haha, who am i referring to? :)
no, its not a guy honey :)
ps; jarak harus dijauhkan kerana ada orang itu berpunya XD
and it ain't me :P
abe and eqmal.
i blame izzat for the blurness -_-"
what more can i say? :)
nik ahmad rafiq!!!
kenapa kah adik kamu nik ahmad razim tersesat dalam gambar2 ku? LOL
adik-beradik sama je, dua2 weng haha
btw nik, izzat kata adik you mmg rajin la :P
you je yang pemalas! haha XD
kantoiiiii :D
ps; nik ahmad razim, terima kasih kerana meminjam game dokapon, BEST SGT! :D
nik ahmad rafiq, kamu diam :P
no matter how far Allah separate us,
and no matter how hatred humans can be,
we will never be apart :)
and this is what i call friends forever :)
and honey, no matter how far you go, you know you'll always come back to me :)
and don't worry, i'm coming there this time! you ain't leaving me that easily :P
cause he had to take care of his lil brother.
haha XD
i forgot what was the last thing he said, but it was something about baby production sumfing, which kinda made me laugh when i think about XD
he's an awesome pianist :)
all of the songs he plays are like, totally sad and mellow :)
unlike some other people -_-"
they just pose for pictures, but they have no idea how to play the instrument 0_0
such as...
yes people, they are just posing -_-'
oh well :D
touching themselves up before taking picture -_-"
mcm la lawa/hensem sgt. hmph!
haha just kidding fifi, farhah! :D
haha we can get goofy when taking pictures :D
oh i forgot to intro,
the guy that is holding my guitar, thats hafizzudin
but me and farhah used to call him fifi when we were at smks 18.
actually we still do haha XD
they are always prepared to take picture XD
i'm sorry that i don't remember whose the guy's name on the left -_-'
amirul afiq, eqmal, fifi, farhah, fasya and syed :)
a one last photo take before they leave us bored to death -_-"

yes syahmi, I REMEMBER. lol
how could he forgot all the memories of him being at SRKS 18 -_-"
heh even forgot about farhah, LOL :D
yes, syahmi. i'm stating EVERYTHING HERE. haha XD
farhah, fasya, syahmi and nana :)

seriously, there were few of my FRIENDS who was willing enough to come to 18 eventhough they have never been to my house before.
i mean, sacrificing their time just to come and look for my house :)
nasib baik takde org yang sesat haha XD
oh wait, ASHLI, you sesat kan? haha XD
thankgod i kuar dari rumah haha
btw, syikin is my schoolmate and tuition mate :)
we've known each other from last year.
eventhough the pictures stop here, there were more people who came.
i'm sorry i didn't took picture that time -_-"
oh yeah, i would like to take this time to say;
at0k, syed, amirul afiq, eqmal, abe, hafizzudin, the guy i forgot whose his name -_-", syahmi, nana, syikin, ashli, nik, firdaus! :D, aina and azimah :)
yeah, when you think about it, there weren't alot who came, but its not the quantity thats important, its the quality :)
oh wait, does that even make any sense -_-"
and its ok, for those who couldn't come yet texted or told me.
and for those who didn't even replied my msg, heh.
you know who you are.
so yeah, that was pretty much how my openhouse went.
but the day didn't end that way.
lets just say, i had a really really really tired day haha XD
but it was fun :)
i miss guys!
and i hope we can hangout again someday ok :)
-this guy is really getting on my nerve.
he's annoying and i don't like him.
please, i know you're trying to be nice, but..
its not working here -_-"
-happy belated birthday nasruddin ali.
the girl who is missing the one's singing voice
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, famiglia, ramadhan/raya

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.