its almost 2 o'clock and tomorrow is monday.
urgh, how i hate mondays. except if its holiday, LOL
talk less, picture more :D
i swear white theme for this year are awesome! :D
evnthough, alot of people kept saying like, "eh nk kahwin dah ke?" or like to daddy "pakndak nk nikah lagi ke? marah kang bini tu"
white is always for nikah is it? *sigh
sesi bersalaman pun bermula selepas mkn lontong dan rendang MakUda :)
inilah je la budak bujang yang ada pd masa tu.
kitorg memang byk sedara perempuan lagi dari lelaki pun -_-"
daddy :)
LOL :)
she's the only spm girl in our family LOL :P
i'm gonna miss ya doktor! :D
and at 4PM sumfing, we went to daddy's side.
to be continued..
like seriously its almost 4 am -_-"
loading is soooo slow these days -_-"
or is it just these laptop? hem, omma bila nk beli laptop baru? :(
tick tock tick tock
still waiting :/
-friends, they come as they go -_-"
-tak sabar nk pergi rumah auntie rozi lagi :)
Labels: famiglia, ramadhan/raya

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.