after years not going to Giant seksyen 13 [its not my fault that omma&daddy prefers Giant 18 or tesco]
this is what i get.
me and izzat has decided to call it Giant Sally! :D
because it is a free gift from Giant and it has a bag that has MEGA SALE on it.
so SA-LE haha :D
i know, it doesn't really make sense, but why should it be :)
i know, she's cute.
haha, finally a teddy girl :D
boys, do not fight over her -_-"
urgh, i need a big giant teddy to be the leader.
boleh? :D
well hell this one is BIG and very heavy.
ain't no way its not stable -_-"
cause the old shorts has become MORE SHORTER THAN IT SHOULD BE [dah tak mcm short, dh mcm boxer +_+]
i bought like two shorts, one is this and the other is black.
i like it :D
cause it doesn't show how fattilicious my thigh is -_-"
haha don't be surprised that i bought my shorts at giant.
i'm not that brand-concious person.
as long as its comfortable and nice sudeeeh :P
RM5.99 kooot haha
omma gelak : "mak jusa a,tapi beli shorts kt giant jugak."
oh oh and it makes me look skinny bwahaha >:)
coincidently. i didn't even try it on :P
-ala, asal youtube buat limit 10 minute je.
asal youtuber lain boleh buat sampai hampir satu jam.
tak aci :(
-mood utk menari :)
-tapi saya nk buat kuih jugak -_-"
-oh oh, i'm scared if too many people come tomorrow.
and and i don't want people who i don't want to come, COMES.
i swear to you, i might not hate you but i'm still hurt by what you've said and did.
so seeing you just makes the feeling even worst, and and the only reason you're coming is because you want to bloody meet farhah.
aku tak perlu kawan mcm kau, FAHAM?
jgn buat aku halau kau esok >:)
ok mungkin tak halau, tapi aku akn ignore and tarik farhah, pergi tempat lain so that kau tk dpt ckp langsung dgn dia. BAHAHA >:)
cukup la sorg perempuan merosakkan persahabatan aku dgn kwn laki aku yang baik sgt, aku tak perlu sorg laki untuk merosakkan KWN AKU.
yes i'm talking to you my one and only.
cause i am freaking bored here -_-"
the girl who is going to make cookies after this
Labels: my things, story of the day, what i think

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.