heh, a raya without raya-ing with mama [aka maklong] and her rendang wouldn't be a raya :)
so what, atuk omar doesn't allow them to raya with us at selayang, they're still our family, MY FAMILY.
no matter what he said, we're still a family :)
daddy tak dapat cucu dari kitorg lagi , timang orang lain punya dulu xpe kan? haha
yup, this is what we did when we were there XD
god, i had loads of fun with them :D
for years i've been searching for ps2 microphone.
and suddenly abg cepoi bought ps3 and with it as well came along with these microphones.
and he gave it to me! OMG :D
i love abg cepoi! thankyou thankyou

and even kitty was in the video! haha :D
i guess singing isn't for humans only, cats want to sing too haha XD
ps; if its too loud for you, then please, GET OUT OF THE OVEN :)
angah ni problem ar -_-"
tibe2 je bukak seluar time starting video -_-"
SingStar is a video game where you have to sing with the right pitching,tone and bla bla bla.
it teaches us how to sing RIGHT LOL
i'm sorry that i didn't record when angah and abg duan was singing+dancing weirdly and funnily haha XD
hah kau! gelek, jgn tak gelek!
jerit jgn tak jerit! haha :D
seriously, can't you see how M&S junior is cute? :D
btw M&S stands for MUNIRAH AND SAID.
LOL -_-'
haha nk cakap jugak tu -_-"
is it a coincidence? haha :D
since daddy was driving camry while along drives the perdana, so we FORCED jojot and kaktati to tagged along.
and they did :D
haha, thats why as you can see there are alot of jojot's pic :)
i love her sooo much, she cracks me up all the time :)
honey, good luck for your finals k? :)
few more months and you're out of that matrix.
whoa, time flies too fast. TOO FAST.
wondering if they miss me. LOL
i miss them. I AM.
sorry guys.
-omma is taking away this laptop!
waaa! i'm gonna miss this laptop.
so many memories and so many datas i've saved

omma beli la alang laptop baru

pretty please with cherry on top???

huh, it'll be months before omma decided to give me a new lapito -_-"
-dokapon kingdom rocks! :D
-haih, dua round je kau dah kecut? apa ni, need to step up your jogging honey ;)
gonna miss this laptop
Labels: 100 wonders of fasya's world, famiglia, ramadhan/raya

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.