everything is pushing me.
since this would be the last time i'm using this laptop, i have to move all pictures and datas into some cold hard cds. [heh exaggerating]
sorry for still postponing the openhouse post.
i know, some of my friends already ask the pics and all.
but i'll get back to you on that.
who knows, maybe tonight would be your lucky night? lol
daddy said, my face takes upon her.
and and flashbacks;
when i became a flowergirl [don't laugh -_-", b'cause its true] during Makcu's wedding,
one of her friends said i look alot like her.
i guess we are alike :)
except i don't wear glasses and white LOL
he's form 4 this year.
but much more taller than me, heh so obvious -_-"
and and he's not like this last 2 years ago.
he used to be sooo chubby :D
but now, he's skinny -_-"
and handsome :D
ps; see how chubby i've become after puasa and raya -_-"
oh oh, i forgot to mention.
this is kaklong's new house :)
so she was having a small eating for us family :D
oh man, thinking about it again makes me hungry -_-"
kaklong, ini bermaksud, makanan yang kaklong and maklong masak SEDAP! :9
tgh hyper haha
and ofcourse you know my brother angah.
they are just covering.
you don't want to know the real truth what really happen when they're TOTALLY full -_-"
kaklong and makcu wasn't wearing scarf that time, so kaklong suggested that i do something to cover the hair up.
and you guys know that i'm not that artistic. especially in painting -_-"
um, kaklong, makcu.. jgn marah eh? XD
oh and thats hariz :)
but he's not looking at the camera -_-"
he spent his first 3 years of life at England, so he speaks ENGLISH :P
angah, jgn marah tau -_-'
gmbr ni lawa kot :)
heh, one of these days i'm gonna get too addicted in taking pictures i think i won't have time to talk anymore.
but that wouldn't be fasya right?
fasya+not talking = MATH ERROR
well i had to get back early on that day, cause ana had an openhouse, and she invited me to come. ofcourse I DID :D
i went to irham's raya-ing first.
and ate this weird Bangladesh food -_-"
but it taste good when you add the topping, what was it called again? LOL
anyway, thx irham for accompanying me :)
if not i would totally feel awkward and isolated -_-"
on our way to ana's, we [me and irham] bumped into meno! aka fasnor. lol
i miss his sarcastic blurness LOL :D
and at ana's openhouse, met iqhwan,kae and some other people i forgot their names. LOL
and and God ana's mum's mee TASTE AWESOMELY GOOD :9
i hate irham for tempting me to try taste all the food that was there -_-"
just kidding irham, I LOVE YAS!
and then at 9 ish, zaki came as well :D
god!! i miss him! like more than i've missed anyone before. haha XD
and then syikin came...
and we played ddr :D
so as you can see i had loads of fun on that day.
eventhough it was tiring. but it was worth it.
spending time with your family and friends are the most important and precious time.
don't you think so?
even if you don't really have a biological family, the whole world is your family.
we, humans, are just the same.
just different in how we see things and what we gain by our own action.
and thats just.. LIFE :)
i didn't had time to post it right away.
was too busy burning all the datas and pics into cd.
in the end i have to bluetooth all of it, to this NEW LAPTOP.
damn i can't wait to use it XD
ish fasya, its your mum's la -_-"
well actually i do care :/
-i'm hungry, and this room is TOO dark -_-"
i need light! help me!
-my cds isnt working, what did i do wrong?
did i burned it wrongly?
why omma's cd can be read easily -_-'
oh oh, done! already move all the pics into the new lappieto.
took like FOREVA.
but whateva -_-"
hey it rhymes! :D
akan ku tunggu
Labels: famiglia, friends, ramadhan/raya

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.