another Ramadhan's miracles
[selepas check balik post2 lama, ye bersemangat betul aku ni]
25/1/09 la tarikh hari terakhir ku jumpa batang hidung budak ni.

kami cousin sebenarnya ada group. [wah ada group lagi!!]

and our motto is hot but single.
damn i miss kak chaid -_-"
but anyway, last week, after months not seeing nurul,
meet nurul mahfuzah :)
i did wrote it at the tops post.
she's having her spm this year.
so i don't blame her for not contacting me or haven't been with us in most of our family dinners.
but that never change the fact i missed her SO MUCH.
i remember i shrieked at omma when she told me nurul has a course near omma's office,
but she told me too late 0,0
i could have just gone to omma's office just to see nurul -_-"
but kuasa Allah kan?
dapat jumpa jugak minggu lepas :)
dengan kaki2 dia masuk. haha
lucah ni haha XD
flashbacks; i still remember.
i always want to sleep over her house every time i went back to selangor [i used to live at alor setar back then]
and i did actually.
i wasn't close to maklong's family back then. which what i regret.
but it doesn't matter, as long as i'm tight and close more than ever now.
thanks to KAKYA :)
raya ni raya selayang ok.
rindu sangat, and and kita gi umah maklong ok?
biarpun jojot dh tak segila dulu, and lebih serious [saya tak suka matriks :P]
but rindu ar tiga secuzin :)
and kita gossip lagi pasal kibum ok? haha
inilah bagusnya ada cousin yang gila psl korea sama mcm aku.
oh scratch that, CRAZIER than i am. LOL
good luck for SPM ok?
jangan risau, nurul boleh buat.
and and, jangan lupa akk bila akk gi lendu :'(
ps; - tak bergambar pun dgn abg aizat -_-"
dah la cousin jauh dari jordan balik. lama kot x jumpa dia. haha
- i miss raya-ing with the whole family.
what has happen to us?
i miss maklong's family being with us on raya.
why does it has to be this way?
why are we drifting apart?
aren't we suppose to be family?
isn't family supposed to stick together?
that just makes me sad... and mad!
it only just reminding me how suckish people are, life is. how suckish my life is..
"I WANT YOU, tak faham lagi ke?"
Labels: famiglia, flash backs

Posted by — Fasya Ibrahim.