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I sacrifice my all just to keep this going on, so that it will not end. So that we can actually make that forever come true. And all you had to do was to just stay. That was all. Is it so hard to stay in love ?
I don't express my feeling well.
but i can be emotional as easy as heartless :)
I'm slow, so do be patient with me.
I like taking photos
I don't have alot of things to say,
I listen and nod.
Fasya Ibrahim Create Your Badge
I wish for :
My own guitar :)
A classical guitar that can be connected to the speaker :)
Get DL for next semester and the next semester. Fighting Fasya ! >,<
Learn self-defense like Taekwondo or Jiujutsu. Hiyah !
New Lens for my D3K.
A lens that can zoom further :D oh I need to learn more about photography and cameras X)
I want to learn Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, German, anything !
as long as a different kind of language.
So that it will be easy when travelling :)
I sacrifice my all just to keep this going on, so that it will not end. So that we can actually make that forever come true. And all you had to do was to just stay. That was all. Is it so hard to stay in love ?